Thursday, April 12, 2012

#8 Concave and convex mirrors

Give a qualitative observation of the image formed by both convex and concave mirrors.


1.      Describe the image formed by placing an object in front of a convex mirror.
2.      Move the object and describe the change of image.
3.      Repeat the process for concave mirror.


       Convex mirror:

       The image appears to be smaller and away from the center compared with object, it is not inverted. When moving towards the mirror the image grows larger and more like the original size.


       Diagram as shown:

do = 15 cm, ho = 10 cm, d­i = -7 cm, h­i = 5 cm.
       Agrees with observation.

       Concave mirror:
       The image appears to be much larger than the object and more close to the center, but still not inverted. When moving towards the mirror the image becomes smaller while moving away from the mirror the image gain larger and larger and disappear then become inverted.

       Diagram as shown:

      do = 20 cm, ho = 8 cm, di = 12 cm, hi = -5 cm
       The diagram shows the situation when the object is further away from the mirror, which caters to the latter description.

       The theoretical diagram agrees with the observation. Experiment conduct successfully.

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